Prof. Dr. Nikolai Grube

Field research
- Current project: “Two Early Classic Maya murals: new texts and images in Maya and Teotihuacan style from La Sufricaya, Petén, Guatemala"- further information
- 1990, 1991, 1995-today: Expeditions which lasted several weeks tot he Petén-district in Guatemala to save and document hieroglyph inscriptions;
- 1984, 1986-1998, 2001: Anually several research trips to Señor and Tixcacal Guardia, Quintana Roo and the Cayo-District in Belize to investigate the history of the yucatec Maya;
- Recording of oral traditions, research about genres of verbal art to investigate oral traditions (altogether 20 month);
- 1987-1993, 1998: Research in Copán, Honduras for a conjoint investigation with David Stuart and Linda Schele;
- 1989-1992, 1994, 1995: "Project Epigrapher" at the Caracol-Project, Belize (leaded by Arlen and Diane Chase) (every year one month);
Other activity
Coeditor of „Mexicon“; Academic advisor to Arqueología Mexicana; Realization of annual seminars about history of the maya for maya organizations in Antigua, Guatemala and collaboration with Oxlajuuj Keej Maya Ajtz'iib'; Research associate and advisor of the special exhibition “the world of the maya” at the Roemer- and Pelizaeus Museum, Hildesheim; Academic consultancy for TV and radio features; Organisation of the “Maya Meetings” and the 3rd Sibley Conference with the topic "Altered States of Consciousness" at the University of Texas, Austin