Non-Governmental-Organizations (NGOs)
Since march 2013 we are cooperating in the area of Global Learning with the VNB in the context of the project Heute@Morgen.
Since april 2013 there exists a cooperation with the Deutscher Spanischlehrerverband (DSV).
There exists a cooperation with the Eine Welt Netz NRW, the umbrella organization of the associations on development policy in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Since april 2013 there exists a cooperation with the IFAK, Institut für Angewandte Kulturforschung in Göttingen.

Since march 2013 there exists a cooperation with the Agenda 21-Büro in Hanover.

There exists a cooperation with VEN, the Verband Entwicklungspolitik Niedersachen e.V., a union of NGOs on development policies.

Since may 2013 there exists a cooperation with the peruvian NGO Insituto de Defensa Legal (IDL).