Lara Jüssen

Research project
Citizenship, belonging and Latin American Migrant Workers in Spain
This research project aims at analyzing inclusion and exclusion dynamics of Latin American migrant workers in Madrid, Spain through the labour market. The Spanish economy attracted huge numbers of migrant laborers during its boom phase until mid 2008. Latin Americans constitute the biggest group of extra-communitarians. An ethnically segmented labour market emerged, with extra-communitarian migrants being employed more often on the secondary labour market, which is more precarious, characterized by low pay rates, short-term contracts and a tendency to “informality”. In the aftermaths of the crisis, informal income generation seems to play once again a major role as social security net for unemployed people with or without residence or working permit. The research project follows the question how citizenship and belonging are perceived by Latin American labour migrants in Spain, Madrid. As foreigners, they are excluded from citizenship, from a narrow state centered perspective, but there are some basic rights and practices that establish that migrants might enjoy and/or exercise a kind of limited citizenship. It is questionable if whether work can produce belonging. Incorporation in the labour market and continuous work can, though, be one key to social inclusion. Comparative case studies possibly allow conclusions on activities of workers within the public and the private space, whereby gender constitutes a category that is often highly decisive for job opportunities.
- Jüssen, Lara [in Vorbereitung]. Animating citizenship through migrant labour struggles. Latin American household workers in Madrid, in Youkhana, Eva (Hg.), Bonn.
- Jüssen, Lara und Youkhana, Eva (2015) Soziale Bewegungen in Zeiten der Spanischen Hypothekenkrise: Ursachen und Folgen für Stadtplanung und –gestaltung, in: Sondermann, Martin & Othengrafen, Frank (Hrsg.): Städtische Planungskulturen im Spie-gel von Konflikten, Protesten und Initiativen. Planungsrundschau 23, 145-169.
- Jüssen, Lara (2015): “Ethnic business in whose name? Translocality of belongings and the case of Bangladeshis in a barrio of Madrid”, in: Estudios Geográficos LXXV, 277
- Jüssen, Lara (2014), "Ethnic Business in Whose Name? Translocal Belongings and Bangladeschi Entrepreneurship in a Barrio of Madrid", in: Revista Nuevas Tendencias en Antropología, No 5, 20-45. URL:
- Jüssen, Lara (2013): "köln entdeckt das geschäft mit den lumpen", online Veröffentlichung in: KölnGlobal,
- Jüssen, Lara (2013), "Eine intersektionale Analyse translokalisierter Arbeit. Klassifizierung, Ethnisierung und Vergeschlechtlichung
von LateinamerikanerInnen durch Bau und Privathaushalt in Madrid", in: Giebeler, Cornelia; Rademacher, Claudia; Schulze, Erika (Hrsg.)
Intersektionen von race, class, gender, body - Theoretische Zugänge und qualitative Forschungen in Handlungsfeldern der Sozialen Arbeit, S. 245-260 - Célleri, Daniela; Jüssen, Lara (2012): "Solidaridad étnica como capital social? El caso de los comerciantes migrantes Kichwa-Otavalos en Madrid y La Compania"
- Anne Diekjobst, Alice Froidevaux, Lara Jüssen (2012): “Gentrification.” Online Dictionary Social and Political Key Terms of the Americas: Politics, Inequalities, and North-South Relations, Version 1.0 (2012).
- Jüssen, L. (2012): "Kölner Integrationskonzept: Jeder Jeck is anders?", online Veröffentlichung in: KölnGlobal,
- Jüssen, Lara and Youkhana, Eva: Local Responses to Transnational Migration: Citizenship, Belonging and the Case of Latin American Migrants in Madrid. In: Albiez, Sarah, Castro, Nelly, Jüssen. Lara, Youkhana, Eva (eds.) (2011): Ethnicity, citizenship, belonging: Practices, Theory and Spatial dimensions. Vervuert: Frankfurt/Madrid, 283-305
- Albiez-Wieck, S.; Castro, Nelly; Jüssen, Lara; Youkhana, Eva (Hg.) (2011) "Etnicidad, Ciudadanía y Pertenencia: prácticas, teoría y dimensiones espaciales. / Ethnicity, Citizenship and Belonging: Practices, Theory and Spatial Dimensions", Frankfurt a.M.
- Jüssen, L. (2010): "Von Tante Emma zu Onkel Ali", online Veröffentlichung in: KölnGlobal,
- Jüssen, L. (2007): Kriegsökonomie in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Marburg.
- Jüssen, L. (2007): Verschiedene Radio-features bei „Deutsche Welle-Radio“, English Program: „Fair Trade Jeans“, „Bonn Soil Week“, „Cologne Zoo Madagascar Day“, „IFMA: International Bycicle Trade Fair“
- Jüssen, L. Verschiedene Artikel in Matices. Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal, 2007-2009): „Hoffnung für Haiti“, „Die Sicherheitslage in Haiti“, „VN-Sexaffäre in Haiti“, „Cierre de RCTV: acto anti-golpista o totalitarista? (Presseschau)“, „Vorbereitungen für die Hurrican-Saison in Haiti“