December 2015 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz „Einwanderung und Staatsangehörigkeit in Lateinamerika" at the lecture series of the CLAC, University of Cologne |
December 2nd 2015 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen "Politisches Theater im öffentlihcen Raum als "act of citizenship". Hausangestellte protestieren kreativ!" at the DIES Academicus, University of Bonn |
November 2016 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz “Current paradigm shifts regarding jus soli attribution of nationality in the Americas” EUDO Citizenship, Florence |
November 4th 2015 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier „La Naturaleza del Estado. Hacia una historia transnacional de los parques nacionales en Chile en la primera mitad del siglo XX”, Seminario de Historia Urbana y del Territorio, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile |
November 3rd–4th 2015 | Lecture by Antje Schnoor "Jesuitas bajo Pinochet. Actitudes frente al orden político" at the "II Conferencia Internacional Latinoamericanista" in Lublin, Poland |
November 3rd 2015 | Lecture and discussion with the ecuadorian embassador in Germany, Jorge Jurado: "Ecuador: der schwierige Weg zum Buen Vivir". An event of the Research Network for Latin America, the Global South Studies Center of Cologne (GSSC) and the foundation Rosa Luxemburg NRW. This event takes place at the University of Cologne. | |
October 28th-30th 2015 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler "Retos de la educación inicial bajo del concepto del Buen Vivir. Primeros resultados de una investigación" at the international conference "Educación Comtemporánea: Calidad y Buen Vivir" at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanas y Tecnologías de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo UNACH, Riobamba-Ecuador |
October 15th-17th 2015 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler "'sumak kawsay' in Prozessen der Institutionalisierung früher Kindheit in Ecuador" section Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft der DGfE- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, Kommission Pädagogische Anthropologie at the Annual Meeting: „Kinder – Kindheit“, at the University of Cologne |
October 15th-16th 2015 | Lectures by Sarah Albiez-Wieck "Ethnicity, Colonialism and Migration in Mexico and Peru" and Karoline Noack "'Ethnic' - where did it come from and why we have to get rid of it" at the international symposium "Ethnicity in (Pre-)colonial societies" of the University of Cologne Forum Ethnicity as a Political Ressource at the University of Cologne | |
October 14th-16th 2015 | Lecture by Anna Guitera Mombiola “El censo de Trinidad (Beni) de 1896, espacio de representación de la población indígena” and moderator of the discussion about “Las tierras bajas bolivianas como representación, siglo XVI-XXI” at the conference "Tierras Bajas. II Jornadas de Antropología, Historia y Arqueología" in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivien, organised by the Museo de Historia de la Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno |
October 6th 2015 | Lecture by von Olaf Kaltmeier “Repensar las Américas.” Universidad de Chile Santiago de Chile |
October 2nd 2015 | Lecture by Jochen Kemner „Von Turtle Island bis Abya Yala - Zur diskursiven Konstruktion einer transnationalen indigenen Widerstandskultur in der Amerikas" at the conference "Krisen. Re-Formationen von Leben, Macht und Welt" Conference from the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde, Marburg, September 30th - October 3rd 2015. |
September 30th - October 2nd 2015 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler "Kindes- oder Mütterwohl: Reflexionen zu den Implikationen neuer Kindheitskonstruktionen für Mutterschaften. Zum Wohle des Kindes – Responsibilisierung zur ‚guten‘ Mutter" at the 9. BUKO Bundeskogress der Sozialen Arbeit in Darmstadt „Politik der Verhältnisse – Politik des Verhaltens. Widersprüche der Gestaltung Sozialer Arbeit“ as part of the series of events of Rhea Seehaus, Fachhochschule Frankfurt und Marion Ott, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt "Zum Verhältnis von Kindeswohl und Mutterschaft im Kinderschutz". |
September 25th-27th 2015 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen "Social workplace dynamics: Affects, Body, Labour" at the "2nd Vienna Ethnography Lab: Practices of Care. Inequalities, Empowerment, Contradictions", Wien. | |
September 24th 2015 | Lecture by Jochen Kemner “Wissen um globale Verflechtungen: Zum Transfer von den Area Studies an der Universität zu Globalem Lernen im Schulunterricht“, CrossArea - Annual Conference 2015 "Zum Platz transregionaler Verflechtungen in den Area Studies. Übersetzungen konzeptioneller Überlegungen in Studiengänge", Berlin, September 23rd-24th 2015. |
September 18th 2015 | Lecture by Sarah Albiez-Wieck "Processes of construction of 'the Ethnic‘ in Michoacan, Mexico, and Cajamarca, Peru. Translocational positionalities of indigenous migrants under colonial rule" at the "18th Annual Conference of the History of Concepts Group" in Timisoara, Romania | |
August 26th-28th 2015 | Lectures by Lara Jüssen "Dinámicas de espacios laborales: Afectos, cuerpo y trabajo" and Daniela Célleri "Migración y la comunidad de origen: Jovenes comerciales entre Otavalo City, La Companía y Bogotá" at the III Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, Flacso Ecuador, Quito. | |
July 15th 2015 | Lecture by Johanna Below da Cunha "Ciudadanía diferenciada y educación en la Amazonia Brasileña: El caso de la Reserva Extractivista Tapajós-Arapuins" within the workshop "Educación, Interculturalidad y Desigualdad en América Latina" at the University of Kassel | |
July 12th-17th 2015 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler "Retos de nin@os migrantes en las sociedades de migración" at the 55 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas ICA "Conflicto, paz y construcción de identidades en las Américas" in San Salvador | |
July 12th-17th 2015 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler for the symposium 107 "Movilidades, inmovilidades y desarrollo entre América Latina y Europa: retos metodológicos, conceptualizaciones y estudios de caso" at the Universidad Francisco Gavidia, San Salvador |
July 8th 2015 | Lecture by Alejandro Grimson (Universidad Nacional de San Martín) "Los conceptos de frame y configuración en los estudios migratorios en el Cono Sur", taking place in room 0.012 at the University of Cologne (Philosophikum) on Wednesday from 5.45 until 6.15 pm |
July 8th 2015 | Lecture by Carmen Ibáñez "Negociaciones de etnicidad en los andes bolivianos: Ayllu versus Sindicato" at the 26th Staff Meeting of the Research Network for Latin America at the the University of Cologne |
July 11th 2015 | Presentation by Anna Guiteras Mombiola “Discursos y prácticas de representación de los indígenas del departamento del Beni (Amazonía boliviana), 1842-1952” at the colloquium of the Masters degree, organised by the Abteilung für Iberische und Lateinamerikanische Geschichte (IHILA), Philosophische Fakultät, University of Cologne |
June 30th 2015 | Lecture by Sarah Albiez-Wieck "Posicionamientos translocales de migrantes indígenas. Cajamarca (Perú) y Michoacán (Nueva España) en la época colonial" at the "III Workshop de Aportes a la Investigación Americanista: Entre Nueva España y el Río de la Plata" at the University of Sevilla |
June 26th-27th 2015 | Lecture by Johanna Below "Bildung - Identität - Land. Zur Rolle differenzierter Bildung in den ethnisierten Konflikten des Sammelschutzgebietes RESEX Tapajós Arapiuns" at the 4th ADLAF Junior Researchs Conferece in Berlin | |
June 26th 2015 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz “Naturalization Ceremonies in Germany” IMISCOE, Genf |
June 24th-27th 2015 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler "CIBV – Centros infantiles del Buen Vivir in Ecuador. Analyzing the Intersections of Gender, Interculturality and Andine Indigenous Cosmology. An empirical study on Early Childhood Education" at the 37 ISCHE (International Standing Conference on History and Education) “Culture and Education” at the Istanbul University, Turkey | |
June 24th-25th 2015 | Lecture by Andrés Otálvaro "Tierra y campesinado en la Venezuela bolivariana: retos y contradicciones de una reforma agraria en marcha" at the conference "Las luchas sociales por la tierra en América Latina" at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú |
June 24th 2015 | Lecture by Carmen Ibáñez "Críticas desde el buen vivir al concepto de desarrollo" at the 7th International Postgraduate Forum of the University of Bielefeld "Politics of Entanglement in the Americas" |
June 18th–19th 2015 | Lecture by Antje Schnoor "Der Wandel des Autoritätsbegriffes in der Gesellschaft Jesu seit den 1960er Jahren" at the conference "Autorität in der „Krise” nach 1945" at the International Kolleg Morphomata, Cologne |
June 8th-11th 2015 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler "Flujos migratorios transnacionales infantiles por México como movimientos sociales" at the conference "As redes educativas e as tecnologias: movimentos sociais e educação" at the UERJ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | |
May 21st 2015 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier “Indigene Gemeinschaften zwischen Angst und Protest. Politische Kommunikation an der Schnittstelle postkolonialer Staatlichkeit in Saquisilí,Ecuador (1937-1985). Angstsprachen" |
May 20th-21st 2015 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Frieden in der Stille? Zu den politischen Befriedungsmaßnahmen während des Frente Nacional (Kolumbien, 1958-1966)“ at the Workshop „Angstsprachen –Sprechen über Angst“, University Bielefeld |
May 14th-16th 2015 | Lecture by Anna Guiteras Mombiola “La construcción de un espacio de frontera: las relaciones interétnicas en el Norte de Bolivia (segundo borrador)” at the conference "Borderlands of the Iberian World" in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, organised by CIESAS, UAM-Azcapotzalco, Mexico Research Network & University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill |
May 7th 2015 | Lecture by Daniela Célleri "'Buen Vivir' - eine neue Ethik der Entwicklung?" at the serie of events „Projekttour Lateinamerika“ in Hannover | |
May 4th 2015 | Lecture by Margott Paucar Espinoza (Universidad Científica del Sur, Peru) "El Discurso Político en la Memoria Socio-Histórica en el Perú" at the University of Bonn, Institut for Anthropology | |
April 23rd 2015 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz “Citizenship ceremonies in Venezuela, 2004-2006 – context & controversies” at the "ASEN Annual Conference Security and Nationalism", at the London School of Economics and Political Science, London (UK) |
April 22nd 2015 | Lecture by Natalia Molina "How Race is Made in America: Immigration, Citizenship, and the Historical Power of Racial Scripts" at the University of Cologne | |
April 17th 2015 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz „Der Kulturbegriff in der interkulturellen Bildungsarbeit“ at the Workshop „Zum Umgang mit Stereotypen im Globalen Lernen und Interkulturellen Training“, Münster (Germany) |
April 15th 2015 | Lecture by Valeria Coronel in the workshop "Citizenship and Ethnicity in the Andes" at the University of Bielefeld |
April 14th 2015 | Lecture by Natalia Molina "How Race is Made in America: Immigration, Citizenship, and the Historical Power of Racial Scripts" at the research colloquium InterAmerican Studies of the University of Bielefeld |
April 13th 2015 | Lecture by Natalia Molina "How Race is Made in America: Immigration, Citizenship, and the Historical Power of Racial Scripts" at the University of Bonn |
April 1st 2015 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz “Regularization of immigrants and naturalization in Venezuela" at the National University of Singapore, Institute of Policy Studies (Singapur) |
March 27th 2015 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz “Nationality law in Germany today: No ethnic exclusivity anymore?” at the "International conference Migration, Ethnicity, and the State", Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou (China) |
February 4th 2015 | Lecture by Daniela Célleri "Etnicidad y migración desde una perspectiva interseccional: Las decisiones de jóvenes rurales en Otavalo - Ecuador" in the Colloquium of the Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades at the University of San Francisco de Quito |
February 2nd 2015 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz “Staatsangehörigkeit, Einbürgerungspolitik, Einbürgerungsfeiern” at the Workshop “Citizenship and Migration: politics, practices, strategies”, GSSC, University of Cologne |
December 10th 2014 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier "Mapuche und der chilenische Staat. Identitätspolitische Konfliktkonstellationen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert", ZILAS, KU Eichstätt |
November 27th-28th 2014 | Olaf Kaltmeier: Panel Discussion "Area Studies as a Building Block for Science Policy", 4th Crossroads Asia Conference, Bonn. |
November 12th-14th 2014 | Barbara Potthast and Raquel Gil Montero, Tucumán, organised the Panel: "Estructuras de Familia y Migración" at the international congress "Familia y Redes Sociales. Etnicidad, movilidad y marginalidad en el mundo atlántico", in Seville |
November 13th-15th 2014 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen "Material aspects of household and construction workers’ struggles for emplacements of citizenship in Madrid“ , at: “Material Matters in Times of Crisis Capitalism. Transnational Feminist and Decolonial Approaches“ in Gießen |
November 5th-7th 2014 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier "Los usos del patrimonio cultural en las ciudades latinoaméricanas" I Coloquio UNAM en la Península "La ciudad hoy: saldos y perspectivas de los patrones de urbanización" Mérida, Mexico |
November 3rd-4th 2014 | Lecture by Wolfgang Gabbert "Autonomía indígena, derechos humanos y Estado nacional", at the VII Seminario Internacional del Observatorio Judicial Electoral (Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicila de la Federación), Oaxaca, Mexico |
October 8th 2014 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler "Del Jardin de Nin@s a la Pedagogía de la Niñez: Política, Conceptos y los desafíos de una Pedagogía inicial" at the international congress "El desarrollo integral de la primera infancia. Propuestas internacionales e interculturales". Riobamba UNACH, Universidad Nacional del Chimborazo, Ecuador |
October 7th 2014 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler "Trans- Inter- e Intraculturalidaden la Educación Inicial". At the internatinal congress “El desarrollo integral de la primera infancia. Propuestas internacionales e interculturales." Riobamba UNACH, Universidad Nacional del Chimborazo, Ecuador |
September 12th 2014 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „El legado de La Violencia: Los orígenes del paramilitarismo colombiano en los comienzos del Frente Nacional” at the Biblioteca Darío Echandía on behalf of the Academia de Historia del Tolima, Ibagué (Colombia) |
September 11th 2014 | Barbara Potthast and Pilar Garía Jordan, Barcelona, organised the Panel "La representación material / visual en América Latina, siglos XIX - XXI" at the XVII International Congress of the AHILA in Berlin |
September 11th 2014 | Lecture by Dr. Jochen Kemner "El nexo imaginario entre desarrollo económico y derechos humanos en América Latina: Vertientes historiográficas", at the XVII Congreso Internacional de AHILA “Entre Espacios: La historia latinoamericana en el contexto global” |
September 9th–13th 2014 | Lecture by Antje Schnoor "Ser migrante y gitano. La inmigración del Pueblo Rom a América Latina" at the XVII Congreso internacional de AHILA, Berlin |
September 6th 2014 | Lecture by Dr. Jochen Kemner "Activists and advocates: The indigenous peoples movement and its international support network", at the 4th European Congress in World and Global History, Paris, France |
September 5th 2014 | Lecture by Dr. Jochen Kemner "Global history meets global learning: New approaches to teach history at the secondary school level", at the 4th European Congress in World and Global History, Paris, France |
August 6th-8th 2014 | Lectures by Jochen Kemner: "El movimiento indígena continental atrapado entre anti-imperialismo y anti-comunismo: una nueva mirada al conflicto entre Sandinistas y Miskita en la década de 1980 en Nicaragua" Cornelia Giebeler: "Reconstruyendo Migraciones: retos de investigaciones de campo con ninos migrantes". Contribution to the Panel (organised by Cornelia Giebeler) "De/Colonización a partir de procesos de migración transnacional en las Américas. Como investigar en procesos de transformación? Theoretic and methodological Approaches". Sarah Albiez-Wieck: "Etnicidad y colonialismo en México y Perú, siglos XV?XIX". Karoline Noack: "El legado del imperio Chimú conquistado por los Incas ante la colonialidad del imperio español" Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier “Demasiada Historia?” and coordination and guidance of the panel „Políticas del patrimonio“ (with Mario Rufer) All at the 4th International Congress of the IAS (Associación Internacional de Estudios InterAmericanas) "De/Colonization in the Americas: Continuity and Change" at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima. |
August 5th 2014 | Lecture by Cornelia Giebeler: "Trans- Inter- e Intraculturalidad en la Educación". At the event “La direccion de Educacion intercultural bilingue y rural” in the Ministerio de la Educacion a las tres pm, Lima, Peru |
July 23rd 2014 | Lecture by Barbara Potthast “Entre ciudadano y súbdito: Ciudadanía y catecismos políticos en Paraguay, 1810-1870” at the IV Congress "Jornadas Internacionales de Historia del Paraguay" at the Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay |
June 27th 2014 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Violencia–Legitimationen von Gewalt in Kolumbien” at the Workshop „Legitimationen politischer Gewalt“ at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
June 12th 2014 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier: "Rockin‘ for Pachamama: Inter-Ethnic Relations, Cultural Memory, and Political Struggle in Ecuadorian Rock Music". Workshop: "Social Movements and Music". CIAS, University of Bielefeld |
June 6th 2014 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz: "Jus soli under pressure in Latin America" at the Conference "Changing population: migration, reproduction and identity", University of Trento (Italy) |
May 21st-24th 2014 | Lecture at LASA-Chicago by Daniela Célleri: "El retorno de jóvenes "viajeros" y la construcción de etnicidad en una comunidad rural de Otavalo-Ecuador" in the Panel entitled "Experiencias contemporáneas de retorno y reinserción de migrantes y desplazados latinoamericanos", moderated by Gioconda Herrera, Liliana Rivera-Sanchez. Olaf Kaltmeier "Entangled Perspectives on indigenismo" Lasa-Conference, Latin American Studies Association, Chicago |
May 9th 2014 | Lecture by Daniela Célleri "Indigene Jugendliche. Migration und die Verbindung zur „Heimat“ am Beispiel von jungen Händlern aus Otavalo im Hochland von Ecuador" | |
May 8th-9th 2014 | International conference: "Border transgression: mobility and mobilization in crisis" with Lectures by Lara Jüssen, Eva Youkhana and Tobias Schwarz | |
May 8th 2014 | Lectures by Eva Youkhana "Introduction: Border Transgressions: Mobility and Mobilization", Lara Jüssen "Challenging citizenship through migrant labour struggles. Latin American household workers in Madrid", Tobias Schwarz: "Jus soli under pressure. Nationality policies in Latin America and the EU" at the International Conference Border transgressions: Mobility and mobilization in crisis, Bonn (Germany) |
April 22nd 2014 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz: “Materializing Citizenship in Naturalization Ceremonies” GSSC Public Lecture Series, University of Cologne (Germany) |
April 11th-12th 2014 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier “Entangled Americas”, Workshop Entangled Spaces in the Americas: Concepts and Case Studies, CIAS- Universität Bielefeld |
April 10th 2014 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen „Hypothekenkrise und Proteste in Spanien“, at: Initiative Recht auf Stadt Köln, Kalle für Alle – Infoabend, Cologne |
April 10th 2014 | Lecture by Prof. Barbara Potthast: La indendencia del Paraguay, un experimento histórico?, in São Paulo, Brasil |
April 7th 2014 | Lecture by Prof. Barbara Potthast: “Bello sexo nacional” o “conciudadanas”? Las mujeres paraguayas en la Guerra de la Triple Alianza, in Florianopolis, Brasil |
April 2nd - 4th 2014 | Conference "Conceptualizing Ethnicity as a Political Resource – across Disciplines, Regions, and Periods", realised by the UoC Forum Ethnicity as a political resource with lectures by our associated membres Dr. Sarah Albiez-Wieck and Dr. Tobias Schwarz | |
April 3rd - 4th 2014 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier: "Spaces of entanglements in the Americas: citizenship, ethnicity and belonging" SLAS-Conference, Society for Latin American Studies, London |
April 3rd 2014 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz: "Comparing ethnicity across different regions of the world" International workshop "Conceptualizing Ethnicity as a Political Resource – across Disciplines, Regions, and Periods", University of Cologne (Germany) |
April 2nd 2014 | Lecture by Prof. Barbara Potthast: La ciudadanía de las mujeres en América Latina. Una perspectiva a doscientos años, in Asunción, Paraguay |
April 1st 2014 | Lecture by Prof. Barbara Potthast: La ciudadanía de las mujeres en América Latina. Una perspectiva a doscientos años, en Formosa, Argentina |
April 1st 2014 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz: "Current policies of national belonging – Venezuela and the Dominican Republic compared” ASEN Annual Conference Nationalism and Belonging, London School of Economics and Political Science, London (UK) |
March 17th 2014 | Lecture by Dr. Jochen Kemner "Genozid! Der ultimative Vorwurf und seine Bedeu-tung für die Entstehung einer globalen indigenen Dis-kursgemeinschaft", in Bern, Switzerland |
March 10th 2014 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier: "The Americas as Space of Entanglement. Insights for Area Studies." 3ème journée d'études: Joint Workshop GIGA- IdA (Institut des Amériques, Paris), GIGA, Hamburg |
March 10th 2014 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Las contiendas políticas en Colombia. La Violencia en el Tolima entre 1946 y 1964“ at the Academia de Historia del Tolima, Ibagué (Colombia) |
February 27th 2014 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Los orígenes del paramiltarismo colombiano durante los primeros gobiernos del Frente Nacional“ at the Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica, Bogotá (Colombia) |
February 25th 2014 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Procesos violentos de formación del Estado durante la Violencia Tardía“ at the Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá (Colombia) |
January 30th 2014 | Lecture by Eric Bejarano „Narcotráfico y Narcocultura in Lateinamerika”, organisation and presentation: Dr. Antje Gunsenheimer/Dr. Monika Wehrheim, Bonn, Topic: „El narcotráfico y su impacto en la sociedad colombiana durante las últimas tres décadas" |
January 23rd - 24th 2014 | Lecture by Tobias Schwarz "Identity from above? The “Misión Identidad” in Venezuela, 2004-2012" at the Workshop "W(h)ither Identity - Positioning the Self and Transforming the Social", University of Gießen |
January 22nd 2014 | Lecture by Wolfgang Gabbert „Romeo und Julia in Yucatán – Liberaler Diskurs und sozialer Konflikt in einer postkolonialen Gesellschaft“, Volkshochschule Hannover |
January 19th 2014 | Lecture by Olaf Kaltmeier „Descolonizar Metodologías”, UAM-X, Mexiko |
January 15th 2014 | Lecture by Johanna Below "Differentiated Citizenship und das Recht auf Bildung im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet: Der Fall der Reserva Extrativista Tapajós-Arapiuns" at the University of Hanover, in the Colloquium of Transformation Studies |
January 11th 2014 | Lecture by Bea Wittger "'Se morar é um direito, ocupar é um dever'- Citizenship und Gender im Kampf um urbanen Wohnraum in Brasilien" at the "Weingartener Lateinamerika Gespräche 2014" | |
January 11 th 2014 | Lecture by Silke Hensel "Latinos in den USA: Barrio-Organisationen in historischer Perspektive", at the Congress "Urbane (T)Räume: Städte zwischen Kultur, Kommerz und Konflikt", Weingartner Lateinamerikagespräche 2014 |
January 2014 | Lecture by Antje Gunsenheimer in Basel, Switzerland at the XVII. conference of the mesoamericanists at the Museum der Kulturen Basel, in cooperation with Alexander Brust. |
December 5th 2013 | Lecture by Bea Wittger within the lecture series of the CLAC: "Citizenship und Gender in Brasilien. Frauen in den Hausbesetzungen von Rio de Janeiro" | |
December 5th 2013 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Die Dichotomisierung der sozialen Realität: Erklärungsversuche exzessiver Gewalt während der kolumbianischen Violencia, 1946-1964“ at the Lateinamerika-Institut von der Freien Universität Berlin |
November 28th - 30th 2013 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Politische Gewalt in Kolumbien. Die Violencia in Tolima, 1946-1964“ at the Colloquium „Forschungen zur Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit und Lateinamerikas“ at the Universität von Bern |
November 9th-10th 2013 | Lecture by Johanna Below "Cidadania Diferenciada e Educação na Amazônia brasileira: O caso da Reserva Extrativista Tapajós-Arapiuns" at the symposium "Nachhaltige Entwicklung im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet: Transdisziplinärer Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik - Perspektiven neuer Formate der wissenschaftlichen Kooperation zwischen Deutschland und Brasilien" at the FU Berlin | |
October 29th 2013 | Lecture by our Fellow Mario Rufer "Memoria y performance: etnicidad, comunidad y estado-nación" within the research colloquium of Latin American History at the University of Cologne | 5.45-7:15 pm in S90 |
October 7th 2013 | Lecture by Prof. Edward Fischer from the Centre for Latin American Studies of the Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA: "The Good Life: German Eggs, Guatemalan Coffee, and the Anthropology of Wellbeing". Introduction and book presentation. Concluding informal get together with a short presentation of the relief programme maní+ of the Shalom Foundation (Vanderbilt University). 6pm - 8pm Bonn, Department of Altamerikanistik, Oxfordstr. 15 | |
September 4th-6th 2013 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen “Practicando ciudadanía en mercados laborales translocalizados. Trabajando en el hogar en Madrid” at the 4th International Symposium of the Research Network for Latin America „Dinámicas de inclusión y exclusión en América Latina. Perspectivas y prácticas de etnicidad, ciudadanía y pertenencia”, Guadalajara, Mexico |
July 17th 2013 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen with Eva Youkhana “Neighbourhood movement, 15-M, and the outcomes for the Spanish mortgages crisis”, at the Joint Workshop of Crossroads Asia and Research Network for Latin America “Social Mobilization, Migration and Citizenship”, Bonn |
July 3rd 2013 | Lecture by Bea Wittger on "Squatting the City - Constructing Citizenship in the Urban Housing Movements in Rio de Janeiro" in the research colloquium of the Transformation Studies at the University of Hanover, Room B108, 6 - 8 p.m. | |
June 21st 2013 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen on “Practicando pertenencia y ciudadanía en mercados laborales translocalizados, Latinoamericanos trabajando en el empleo de hogar y en las obras de la construcción en Madrid” in the context of the experts talk for junior scientists at the ILZ (Interdisziplinäres Lateinamerikazentrum)” | |
June 6th 2013 | Lecture by Eva Youkhana within the lecture series of the Latin America Centre of the University of Cologne: "Die Macht der Dinge in transnationalen sozialen Räumen – das Beispiel der Virgen del Cisne in Madrid" | |
June 3rd-4th 2013 | Lecture and Workshop with Juan Carlos Velasco | |
May 28th 2013 | Lecture by Floya Anthias "Intersections and translocations as new paradigms for understanding identity and belonging" at the research colloquium InterAmerican Studies: 'Theorizing Hemispheric American Studies', Center for InterAmerican Studies, Bielefeld University. Universitätshauptgebäude (Mainbuilding) Bielefeld, C01-243 | 6pm - 8pm |
April 11th 2013 | 17.45-19.15 lecture from Ronald Niezen on "Justice Lobbying and the Politics of Indigenous Identity in Africa and the Americas", in the context of the new lectures series „ Mobilität, Identität und Globalisierung. Afrika und Lateinamerika im Fokus “, at the University of Cologne | |
March 7th 2013 | Women in social movements in Latin America, lecture and discussion with Barbara Potthast (in German) | |
February 27th 2013 | Lecture by Bea Wittger “Squatting Rio de Janeiro- Citizenship in Brazil” at the Northwestern University, Chicago | |
January 31st 2013 | Lecture by Elvira Espejo on "Women's Networking - Weaving, Communication and Knowledge Production" in the Department of Altamerikanistik, Bonn | anouncement and further informations |
January 14th 2013 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Die kolumbianischen Traditionsparteien und gegenseitige framing-Prozesse. Erklärungsversuche exzessiver Gewalt während der Violencia, 1946-1964“ at the Workshop of the department of Latin American History of the University of Bremen |
January 9th 2013 | Lecture by Rosa Acevedo Marín in the framework of the series of lectures regarding Brasil "Zwischen Partizipation und Marginalisierung: Aushandlungen von Citizenship in Brasilien heute" | |
December 13th 2012 | Lecture by Andrew Canessa (Uni Essex): "Intimate Citizens: Gender and the Reproduction of Race in an Andean Hamlet". University of Cologne |
December 12th 2012 | Lecture by Dieter Gawora in the framework of the series of lectures regarding Brasil "Zwischen Partizipation und Marginalisierung: Aushandlungen von Citizenship in Brasilien heute" | |
December 5th 2012 | Lecture by Stephan Lanz in the framework of the series of lectures regarding Brasil "Zwischen Partizipation und Marginalisierung: Aushandlungen von Citizenship in Brasilien heute" | |
December 5th 2012 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Adversarial framing. Erklärungsversuche für exzessives Gewalthandeln während der kolumbianischen Violencia“ at the Research Colloquium for the Historical Research of Genocide at the Institut für Diaspora-und Genozidforschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
November 28th 2012 | Lecture by Andreas Hofbauer in the framework of the series of lectures regarding Brasil "Zwischen Partizipation und Marginalisierung: Aushandlungen von Citizenship in Brasilien heute" | |
November 26th 2012 | Unfortunately the lecture by Laurella Rinçon cannot take place. Instead, Mrs. Eliana Camargo will give a lecture with the title "Valorización de una cultura inmaterial por su grupo, apoyado por el Estado francés" (in Spanish) | |
November 24th 2012 | "Violence against women in Latin America and Germany" with involvemente by the Research Network | |
November 22nd-23rd 2012 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen "Citizenship und spanische Arbeitspolitik in Krisenzeiten aus Sicht Lateinamerikanischer Hausangestellter und Bauarbeiter", at: "Arbeitspolitik in globaler Perspektive: Konzepte, Befunde und Herausforderungen", Kassel |
November 20th-21st 2012 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Die Ursprünge des kolumbianischen Paramilitarismus in der Violencia, 1946-1964“ at the Workshop „Gewalt, Staatsferne und politische Ordnungen in Lateinamerika“ at the Center for Area Studies Leipzig |
October 17th 2012 | Lecture by Pablo Casillas in the Oberseminar at the University of Cologne in cooperation with the Research Network: "Los rumbos de América Latina y sus desafíos en el futuro inmediato" |
August 27th-30th 2012 | Dr. Eva Youkhana: Two lectures in the framework of the "International Geographical Congress" (IGC) in Cologne: "Enactment of citizenship by creative activism in an immigration neighborhood of Madrid" and "Place-making processes and new forms of urban belonging in a central neighborhood of Madrid" | |
August 1st-4th 2012 | Dr. Eva Youkhana: Two Lectures: "Street art and new forms of urban belongings" and "New concepts of belonging in a globalized world" in the framework of the 2nd forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires |
July 15th-20th 2012 | Symposia of the Network in course of the "International Congress of Americanists" with the titel: Negociaciones de ciudadanía en Latinoamérica desde una perspectiva histórica: El Estado Nacional entre asimilación y ciudadanía diferenciada (desde el siglo XIX) | |
July 12th 2012 | Prof. Dr. Karoline Noack: "Neue Bilder von der Neuen Welt: Indigenismus und Moderne in Lateinamerika" in the lecture series at the University of Cologne, 17h45 Hörsaal S22 |
July 9th 2012 | Lecture of the visiting lecturer Dr. Aarón Grageda Bustamante (Universidad de Sonora, Mexiko) concerning "Zu wem gehört was geschah? Wirksamkeit und Missbrauch der historischen Erinnerung in der öffentlichen Debatte über die illegale Zuwanderung in Arizona", from 6pm until 8pm at the Deparment of American Anthropology, Universität Bonn, Oxfordstr. 15, 1. OG, Room 1.002. |
June 28th 2012 | Prof. Dr. Karoline Noack: "No somos racistas - Unsichtbarer Rassismus in Peru". 19.00 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal XVII, University of Bonn | |
June 16th 2012 | Lecture by Anaid Flesken "The Indigenous Movement and Identification in Bolivia, 2000-2010" in room S54 (Philosophikum - University of Cologne) at 6pm | |
June 6th 2012 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen "Ciudadanía y pertenencia de latinoamerican@s en Madrid – el significado del trabajo” at: Seminario "Políticas migratorias, justicia y ciudadanía" del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CCHS-CSIC), Madrid |
June 4th 2012 | Lecture by Dr. Antje Gunsenheimer (Universität Bonn, Altamerikanistik) concerning "Erinnerung, Geschichtspolitik und Zugehörigkeit am Beispiel der Yukatekischen Maya und der Yaqui (Mexiko)", 6pm - 8pm at the Department for American Anthropology, Universität Bonn, Oxfordstr. 15, 1. OG, Room 1.002 |
May 30th - June 2nd 2012 | Dr. Eva Youkhana: Lecture "Religious belonging as expression for colonized transnational bonds: Latin American migrants in Madrid" in the framework of the International Conference for Graduates "Critical Matter", Frankfurt |
May 22nd 2012 | Dr. Marc-André Grebe presenting his research project "Nation-building, Citizenship und Belonging zwischen Kolonialherrschaft und Nationalstaat. Kommunale Verwaltung und 'interethnische' Beziehungen in Ecuador (1765-1857)" | |
May 14th 2012 | Lecture by Ernesto de la Jara and David Lovatón: “Theory and realization of the right of consultation” of indigenous people in Peru. Location: Department for American Anthropology at the University of Bonn (Oxfordstr. 15), time: 6 pm | |
April 18th 2012 | In the framework of the 11th Staff Meeting "Claudio Lomnitz" is going to give a lecture in Spanish about the 'Origenes de la raza mexicana' | |
February 2nd 2012 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen „Citizenship“ at the Workshop of Research Network for Latin America and Interdisciplinary Latin America Centre (ILZ) „Forschung trifft EZ. Ethnicity, Citizenship, Belonging als Instrumente für gesellschaftlichen Ein- und Ausschluss“, Bonn |
January 13th 2012 | Prof. Dr. Cornelia Giebeler: "Forschungswerkstatt Lateinamerika", Bielefeld |
December 14th-16th 2011 | Prof. Dr. Barbara Potthast: Lecture at the CSIC in Madrid: "Roles de género y la ciudadanía de las mujeres paraguayas durante la Guerra de la Tripe Alianza" |
December 13th 2011 | Conference with Peggy Levitt (Wellesley, Harvard) within the series of lectures Doing Museum (Analyse-Kreationen-Assemblagen) "Museums, the Nation and the World: About how museums create national and global citizens" | |
October 20th-22nd 2011 | Lecture by Lukas Rehm, „Politische Gewalt und state formation. La Violenciain Tolima, Kolumbien 1946-1964“ at the institut for „Neuere Forschungen zur Geschichte Lateinamerikas“ at the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt |
October 12th 2011 | Dr. Marco Estrada Saavedra: Lecture within the framework of the advanced seminar of the IHILA at the University of Cologne "Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand: Die Barrikaden als Sicherheitssystem der APPO" | |
September 12th-14th 2011 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen “Ethnicity, Citizenship and Belonging of Latin American Migrants in Madrid: the Importance of Gender and Space”, at the 2nd International Symposium of the Research Network for Latin America “Interdependencies of social categorizations”, Cologne |
July 7th-9th 2011 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen and Eva Youkhana: "Local Responses to Transnational Migration: Citizenship, Belonging and the Case of Latin American Migrants in Madrid", at: "The struggle to belong. Dealing with diversity in 21st century urban settings", International RC21 conference, Amsterdam |
June 8th 2011 | Dr. Marc-André Grebe: Lecture " Administración municipal, relaciones "interétnicas" y formación de la nación en el Ecuador (1765-1857)", 18:30h, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito | |
May 17th 2011 | Dr. Marc-André Grebe: "Etnicidad, identidad, subalternidad y comunidades imaginadas“, lecture in the scope of the course "La Historia como disciplina II. Historiografía latinoamericana", 16:30h-18:00h, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in cooperation with the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador(Quito) |
November 29th 2010 | Dr. Nelly Castro: introduction about the colombian guerilla as a antisystemic example, IHILA-event "Los nuevos movimientos antisistémicos en América Latina" with the mexican visiting professor Carlos Aguirre Rojas (Univ. Autónoma de México) |
October 4th-7th 2010 | Lecture by Lara Jüssen with Eva Youkhana “The signification of spatiality (place) for the three key terms with special focus on migration”, at the 1st International Symposium of the Research Network for Latin America “Ethnicity, citizenship and belonging in Latin America”, Bonn |