Dr. Marc-André Grebe

Research project
Nation-building, Citizenship and Belonging between colonial rule and the nation state. Municipal administration, "interethnic" relations and forms of indigenous resistance in Ecuador (1765-1857)
The central aim of the study is to analyze the negotiation of political representation and participation between indigenous groups and the actors of the Spanish colonial administration and the nation state in Ecuador from 1765-1857. A particular focus will be held on the municipal level where the complex legal and social, economic and cultural conditions of political participation are examined. On the basis of selected phases of conflicts, discourses and moments of politicization the research project examines different regions of Ecuador - among others Otavalo, Pichincha, Tungurahua, Chimborazo. It will show what strategies the different actors used to get access to social participation, respectively - after independence - how they acquired citizenship or in which way such participation had been denied to them. The main focus is on the question of the importance of ethnic identities as a resource of political inclusion and exclusion. Taking the debate on colonial rule, the independence movement and nation-building as the background, the study wants to give an insight into the continuities and changes of the relation between ethnic belonging and the struggle for political influence as strategic elements of Andean area politics.
- Grebe, Marc-André, Presentación al dossier, in: Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia, No. 36, 5-8, (2012)
- Grebe, Marc-André, Ciudadanía, Constituciones y el papel de la etnicidad como recurso político en la sierra ecuatoriana (1812-1830), in: Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia, No. 36, 73-111, (2012).
- "In coop. with" Bejarano, Eric Javier; Grewe, David; Lobensteiner, Nadja (Hg.), Mobilizing Ethnicity – Competing Identity Politics in the Americas: Past and Present, Frankfurt am Main (Iberoamericana/Veruert) [in Vorbereitung für 2013].
- Grebe, Marc-André: Littera scripta manet: formas y funciones del archivo en el Imperio de los Austrias. Simancas, Roma, Quito y Cuenca, in: Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia, No. 35, I Semestre (2012), S. 5-36.
- Grebe, M.-A.: ¿Actas, Archivos, Absolutismo? El archivo real de Simancas en la estructura de poder de los Austrias (1540-1598), en: Anuario Escuela de Archivología (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), No 2 (2010), pp. 74-77.
- Grebe, M.-A.: Akten, Archive, Absolutismus? Das Kronarchiv von Simancas im Herrschaftsgefüge der spanischen Habsburger (1540-1598), Tiempo Emulado. Historia de América y España, 20, Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert 2012. (ISBN: 978-3-86527-637-7) [Diss., Univ. Bielefeld, 2010]
- Grebe, M.-A.: Simancas - Ein Archiv um die Welt zu regieren? Archivwissen und Verwaltungshandeln zur Zeit Philipps II., in: Horstmann, Anja/Kopp, Vanina (Hg.), Archiv-Macht-Wissen. Organisation und Konstruktion von Wissen und Wirklichkeiten in Archiven, Frankfurt am Main 2010, p. 23-37.
- Grebe, M.-A. (in preparation): Administración colonial y cultura escrita. Reflexiones acerca de las prácticas de poder y del papel de los archivos bajo Felipe II, in: Thies, Sebastian/Job, Barbara/Yáñez (Hg.), Colonialism and the Culture of Writing – Language and Cultural Contact in Colonial Discourse Traditions, Guadalajara.
- Grebe, M.-A. (in preparation):The Royal Archive of Simancas – An instrument of power in 16th century Habsburg Spain? [working title]
- Grebe, M.-A.: Review about: Brendecke, Arndt: Imperium und Empirie. Funktionen des Wissens in der spanischen Kolonialherrschaft. Köln 2009, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 11.01.2011, <http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de<wbr></wbr>/rezensionen<wbr></wbr>/2011-1-021>.
- Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos (AHILA)