Dr. Bea Wittger

Research project
'Nobody Occupies Without Necessityʼ Constructing Citizenship and Gender from Below in Two Squats in Rio de Janeiro
With the Constitution of 1988, also named Constituição cidadã, civil rights have been substantially expanded in Brazil. The right to housing was also included in the Constitution. To date, however, a distinct gap between the formulated right to housing in the Constitution and its implementation in practice is noted especially for the low-income population. In Brazil, therefore, many current urban social movements fight for the rights of homeless people and people living in "informal" settlements, like the favelas. They express their protest in the urban centers by taking houses and thus develop their own forms of self-help. Strikingly is the strong presence and participation of women in these movements.
Within the framework of the research project, the Movimento dos sem-teto will be examined in respect to its origin, its aims and its organization. Especially the women as actors in this movement are the focus of the analysis. Starting from the squatters in Rio de Janeiro, the different realities and forms of organization are taken into account and questions about gender relations and the role of female actors within the movement will be explored.
- Wittger, Bea [April 2017] Squatting in Rio de Janeiro. Constructing Citizenship and Gender from Below. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, http://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-3547-8.
- Wittger, Bea; Zaida Lobato, Mirta; Potthast, Barbara; Below da Cunha, Johanna; Bendocchi Alves, Débora; Ibañez, Carmen 2015: „Soziale Bewegungen in Lateinamerika. Kollektive Aktionen testen die Grenzen der Macht“, Kompetenznetz Lateinamerika - Ethnicity, Citizenship, Belonging.
- Célleri, Daniela / Schwarz, Tobias / Wittger, Bea (Hg.) 2013. Interdependencies of Social Categorisations. Frankfurt a.M. u. Madrid 2013. (Ethnicity, Citizenship and Belonging in Latin America, 2).
- (With Daniela Célleri & Tobias Schwarz) Interdependencies of social categorisations in past and present societies of Latin America and beyond. In: Célleri, D./Schwarz, T./Wittger, B. (Hg.) 2013. Interdependencies of Social Categorisations. Frankfurt a.M. u. Madrid 2013 (Ethnicity, Citizenship and Belonging in Latin America, 2), S. 7-23.
- Wittger, Bea: Der Clean Development Mechanism in Brasilien-Nachhaltigkeitsstandards in Theorie und Praxis (Wuppertal Spezial Nr. 43), Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH, 2010, http://www.wupperinst.org/uploads/tx_wibeitrag/ws43.pdf
- Schüle, Ralf; Wittger, Bea: Klimaschutz in der integrierten Stadtentwicklung: Handlungsleitfaden für Planerinnen und Planer, Düsseldorf: Ministerium für Bauen und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2009.
- Burck, Jan; Bals, Christoph; Wittger, Bea; Beck, Marisa: Der Klimaschutz-Index: Emissionsentwicklung und Klimaschutzpolitik der 56 Staaten mit dem größten CO2-Ausstoß im Vergleich, Bonn: Germanwatch, 2006.
- Toimil, Mónica; Holz, Steffi; Buchholz, Annika; Wittger, Bea: Ein Kontinent in Bewegung – Migration und Gender in Lateinamerika, Berin: FDCL, 2006.